Must have Personal care products

4 min readMay 19, 2021


Must have Personal care products

ProductsPersonal care includes products as diverse as cleansing pads, colognes, cotton swabs, cotton pads, deodorant, eye liner, facial tissue, hair clippers, lip gloss, lipstick, lip balm, lotion, makeup, hand soap, facial cleanser, body wash, nail files, pomade, perfumes, razors, shaving cream, moisturizer, baby powder.

Personal care and cosmetics include any product which is applied on the external part of the body such as skin, nails, hair, lips, and external genital organs, or oral hygiene such as teeth and mucous membrane of the oral cavity, in order to make them clean, protect from germs, prevent bad odor, change in appearance,

Personal care products and cosmetics are widely used throughout the world in huge amounts. It results in the continuous invisible release of personal hygiene and cosmetics products or ingredients into the environment. Altogether these impact on the life of living beings as these are bioactive, highly persistent in the environment, and can also bioaccumulate. Personal care and cosmetics include any product which is applied on the external part of the body such as skin, nails, hair, lips, and external genital organs, or oral hygiene such as teeth and mucous membrane of the oral cavity, in order to make them clean, protect from germs, prevent bad odor, change in appearance, and keep in good condition . Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, personal care and cosmetic products can be consumed only for external usage. Therefore they are more likely to enter into the environment in large quantities due to human activities, for example, during bathing or washing and give more trouble to the ecological systems . Soaps, hair dyes, nail paints, fragrances, emulsifiers, ultraviolet absorbers, acrylates, preservatives, and antioxidants are the common examples of daily use personal care and cosmetic products. Some of these are hazardous for health and heavy exposure of such chemical cosmetics can cause cancer, endocrine disruption, mutation, allergy, and reproductive toxicity.

Personal care products generally belong to hygienic practices and rinse off immediately after use, such as shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, and shower gels. However, a few personal care products are leave-on products such as sanitizers, sunscreen lotion, etc. Cosmetics are generally leave-on products, staying on the skin for at least few hours, for example, body and face creams, insect repellent, cosmetics, perfumes, and antiperspirants. On removing the cosmetic products and washing or showering, these products enter the sewage treatment plants which are not efficient in removing all the chemicals of personal care and cosmetic ingredients . Therefore these chemicals get accumulated with sewage sludge which is further used as fertilizers on crops and provides a pathway for the entry of these chemicals into the food chain . Organic compounds are the most common examples of personal care and cosmetic pollutants, which not only deteriorate the aquatic environment but also affect the vegetation and human health equally .

Benefits Of Organic Beauty Products

1.Environmental friendly:

The organic beauty products are made with natural ingredients, which are grown without harmful pesticides or fertilisers.

Organic products keep the soil fertile and the packages are reusable, which helps in restoring the quality of the soil.

2.Good for skin health:

Our skin functions like sponge, which absorbs all that it comes across with, be it dust, lotion, sunlight or beauty products.

Organic beauty products are light and do not clog the pores of the skin, which let the skin, breathe.

The harmful chemicals, which we make our skin exposed to clogs the pores and reacts internally, thus ageing and wrinkles starts reflecting early on the face.

Organic beauty products keep the pH level maintained, which is why he skin absorbs the product easily and starts working.

3.Natural ingredients:

Most of the organic beauty products are made up of fruits, medicinal leaves, roots and vegetables, thus the natural ingredients keep the skin soft, supple and glows from within.

Regular chemical bombardment spoils the outer layer of the skin, which is responsible for regeneration of the delicate layer that is the reason the skin starts itching or irritation begins right from the time of application of chemical products.

4.Skin deep beauty:

Absorption of chemicals or exposure of chemicals on the skin throughout the day is more likely to cause cancer. The chemicals hold the power to penetrate within the skin cells and damage them from the depths.

On the other hand organic beauty products will reach the depths of the skin and will provide strength to the roots, as well as repair the damaged cells.

For the betterment of your skin ,one must have a personal care and use Organic products and premium quality beauty products.




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